
Sprout Wellbeing supports individuals, families, and groups in their health goals through
health coaching and wellness support programs that facilitate active lifestyles, wholesome eating, community engagement, and balanced living.

Please use this blog to help you, your family, and your community SPROUT! Find others to sprout with, share sprouting secrets and advice, and learn about new ways to sprout with Sprout Wellbeing programs!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Gluten-Free Family

Do you have someone in your family who needs to eat gluten-free? Your family doesn't have to give up your favorite foods, instead learn to make them gluten free! Check out this article by NursingSchools.net that offers 100 gluten-free recipes and you won't even notice you are missing the gluten!:


If you have questions about gluten free diets or would like support in achieving a gluten-free diet or would like to explore if a gluten free diet might alleviate some of your health symptoms, please schedule a free health consultation with Sprout Wellbeing. This is just one of the many areas Sprout Wellbeing's health coaching programs can support you.

Interested in a gluten free cooking class? Contact me at sproutwellbeing@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Make Your Own! Salad Dressing

In my last newsletter I wrote about "Make Your Own Granola Bars". (which by the way are amazing even after being frozen in the fridge for the three weeks I was out of town!). This month I will share some basics about "Make Your Own Salad Dressing". This series of "Make your Own" is not meant to overwhelm you with more things to do in life but to support you in slowly, one at a time, adding a few things into your routine that you "make on your own" in order to avoid the packaged varieties of your favorite foods which are commonly filled with preservatives and other weird ingredients. 

Salad Dressing is very simple to make yourself. When you look at the ingredient list of most salad dressings you will find a very long ingredient list of items you might not know how to pronounce, many of which are not things we want to be putting in our bodies. But when you make your own salad dressing it only takes a few simple ingredients and a few seconds to whip up a delicious and healthy dressing.   

Here is the equation for salad dressing:  Healthy Oil +  Acid + Sweetener + flavors = Dressing!

The ratios of  each ingredient in the equation is as follows:  3 oil to 1 acid to 1/2 sweetener

3 - Oil: Olive oil (avoid canola or vegetable oils)
1 - Acid: Any kind of vinegar, lemon, lime
1/2 - Sweetener: Honey, agave syrup, maple syrup, brown sugar, fresh squeezed orange juice
Flavor Options to taste:
Mustard (use different kinds for variety)
Plain yogurt (optional if you want a creamy dressing)
Minced Garlic
Spices: cayenne pepper, parprika, cumin, red pepper flakes
Herbs: fresh or dried - oregano, cilantro, basil, chives….
Onion: yellow, red, shallot, green onion
Nut butters: Peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter
Soy sauce
Chili sesame oil

You can try a variety of different ingredients from the list above as long as you are using the basic equation and ratio. For example here is a simple recipe:
Oil: 6 tbsp Olive Oil
Acid: 3 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
Sweetener: 1/2 tbsp Honey
1 Tbsp Mustard
1 Tbsp Plain yogurt
1 tsp Minced Garlic
Salt pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients together in small bowl. Pour over salad.

You can always make salad dressings ahead and store them in a jar to use throughout the week.

Give it a try, be creative,  and share your favorite dressing creation with the Sprout Wellbeing blog community!

Sprout Wellbeing Upcoming Events and Classes

New Sprout Wellbeing Programs Offered through Pullman Parks and Recreation! Sign up by Sunday Jan 16th! 

Cooking Class: “Recipe for Resolutions”

Do you have a health or weight loss related New Year’s resolution? Cooking healthy meals at home rather than eating out is one of the best ways to achieve your goals. However, shopping and cooking every night can be overwhelming in our busy lives. This workshop will not only teach you some specific quick, healthy recipes to help you achieve your resolutions but will also provide you with useful strategies for quick, healthy shopping and cooking on a reasonable


Sa ....Jan 22 ..............3:00-6:00pm ......... $41 

More upcoming cooking classes include (see Parks and Rec brochure "General Recreation" section for more information):

Cooking with your Valentine, Sat 2/12
Spring Cleanse Cooking, Sat 3/19
Cinco de Mayo Mexican Fiesta, Sat 4/30

Health Coaching Support Group: “Real Resolutions”

Do you have a New Year’s resolution? The majority of resolutions made do not turn into lasting lifestyle changes. Why? Because in order for life changes to become part of a permanent lifestyle the goal must be set with a structure for long-term success, tools and knowledge for success must be available, and a support network must be in place to hold people accountable to their goals and make it easy for them to build the life change into their lifestyle permanently. Reach your health goals not just for a month, but for a lifetime!

Sprout Wellbeing Support Groups are a great way to connect with others trying to make healthy lifestyle changes so you get the support you need to make lifelong health changes whether you want to lose weight, eat healthier, prioritize self-care, fi nd lifestyle alternatives to prescription drugs, learn to cook healthy (and yummy!) food, get your family eating healthy and being active, or explore if diet and exercise can improve your health symptoms and energy levels. The groups will be facilitated by Tessa Graham who is the founder and health coach of Sprout Wellbeing - Health Coaching and Wellness Support. As a holistic health coach, personal trainer, and pilates instructor, Tessa will lead the group in discussions that address all of the barriers that might be
preventing you from achieving your healthiest self.


W .....Jan 26-Mar 2 .... 5:30-6:30pm ......... $94 

More upcoming Health Coaching Support Groups include (see Parks and Rec brochure "General Recreation" section for more information):

Spring Cleansing for Your Body, 3/9 - 4/13
Slim Down for Summer, 4/20 - 5/25

Sprout Fitness

Are you bored with your workout routine? Looking for a fun way to get a challenging workout that breaks through your plateau? Want to get your resistance training and aerobic workouts done at the same time? Come to Sprout Fitness! The Sprout Fitness Program will add variety and fun to your workout and push you to a new level of fitness using circuit training drills, body
weight exercises, and functional fitness activities.

Sprout Fitness is taught by Tessa Graham, founder and health coach of Sprout Wellbeing: Holistic Health Coaching and Wellness Support Programs. She is also a personal trainer and pilates instructor at Anytime Fitness and Moscow Mountain Sport and Physical Therapy.

Location: Pioneer Center 

TuTh ...Jan 11-Mar 10 ....7:15-8:00am ........ $65
TuTh ...Mar 22-May 19 ...7:15-8:00am ........ $65

For more information about all Sprout Wellbeing programs offered through Parks and Recreation, please go to the Pullman Parks and Recreation Website. 
To register for classes call Pullman Parks and Recreation at 509-338-3227. Please sign up by Sunday Jan 16th for all classes starting in Jan. Pre-registration for the other Winter/Spring classes are recommended as soon as possible.

Book your Personal Training and Health Coaching Sessions Now to get Special January Pricing!

Contact sproutwellbeing@gmail.com or 510-501-2618 to sign up for health coaching or personal training.

Personal Training and Health Coaching program prices will be going up for 2011 but you can get 2010 prices for all the 2011 sessions you pre-register for by Jan 31st!

Join me for a free health consultation in which we will discuss your health goals and how Sprout Wellbeing can support you in these goals whether you want to lose weight, eat healthier, prioritize self-care, find lifestyle alternatives to prescription drugs, learn to cook healthy (and yummy!) food, get your family eating healthy and being active, or explore if diet and exercise can improve your health symptoms and energy levels. Health consultations and coaching can be done by phone or in person so you don't have to live in the Palouse to get the support of Sprout Wellbeing Health Coaching!  

Click here to schedule your free consultation today!
Working with me as your personal trainer and pilates instructor is a great way to complement the lifestyle and nutrition changes you are making through your health coaching program! Get ready for a complete life and body transformation! Please contact me for details and how to sign up.

Pilates Classes!

Pilates is the ultimate fitness program for a stronger, leaner, and healthier body and is especially good for developing a strong, flat abdomen. This amazing exercise will transform how your body looks and feels whether you are a beginner exerciser, someone recovering from an injury, or a hardcore exerciser looking to challenge yourself, improve your race times, or balance your muscle development!

In Moscow: Moscow Mountain Physical Therapy
Tues/Thurs 5:15-6:15 pm.
Register for classes by calling Moscow Mountain Physical Therapy
at 208-882-1426

In Pullman: Anytime Fitness Gym
Monday 5:30-6:30 pm
Sat 9-10 am
Please register for classes prior to attending by emailing sproutwellbeing@gmail.org or calling 510-501-2618. There are only a few spots left in the classes!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Health Coach Tip of The Week

Keep a food diary! But instead of obsessing over the number of calories or grams of fat, protein, and carbs in your food, use this amazing tool to find out more about your body and relationship to food. In trying to lose weight, many of us embark on diets that force us to follow rigid diet and exercise rules; however, most of us never get the lasting results we want from these diets. To really change your weight and health for the long-term, I suggest that you don’t punish your body but instead get to know it. Get used to listening to your body, noticing how food makes you feel, and exploring the many reasons you eat besides hunger.  

So my tip of the week is to keep a food diary and see what you notice. Next to what you eat indicate the following:

  • Time of day
  • Hunger level on scale of 1-10 before eating
  • Hunger level on scale of 1-10 after eating
  • Satisfaction level on a scale of 1-10 after eating
  • Emotions, feelings, thoughts, patterns you notice before, during and after you eat

And the next time you have a craving, headache, energy slump, or sickness, treat it as a loving message from your body instead of a weakness, and see if you can decipher what your body needs to feel it’s best!

If you need support in exploring your relationship to food and the best diet and lifestyle for your body, please contact me for a free health consultation at sproutwellbeing@gmail.com.

Real Resolutions!

A lot of people begin the New Year by making resolutions. We’ve all been there. We take a vow to lose weight, exercise more or spend more time with our family. We start the year with great intentions, but then we quickly relapse into old habits. Why is it so hard to stick to those New Year’s resolutions?

Here are some ways you can make your intentions a reality this year:

1. Write down your intentions and keep them in a visible place, like taped to your bedroom mirror or the dashboard of your car.

2. Get to the source of whatever is keeping you in a rut. Are you in a stressful relationship that causes you to eat a pint of Ben & Jerry’s every night? Are you stressed at your job and feel too tired to exercise after work? If you don’t tackle the root of the behavior, it will be much harder to accomplish your goal.

3. Be clear about what your life would look like once you achieve your goal. If you resolve to go to the gym more, how will this benefit you? Get connected to the result of your action, and
you will be more likely to stick with your plan.

4. Share your resolutions with friends and family, and find a supportive community or person (like a health coach!) that can hold you  accountable for achieving your goals.

5. Reward yourself with every little accomplishment. If your intention is to lose weight and you lose 1 pound a week, pamper yourself with a massage.

6. Be mindful in the moment. You always have a choice in how you respond to the situations around you. Take a breathe before acting to make sure you are making conscious choices that support your resolutions rather than getting caught up in reactive choices and old patterns.  Question each reactive pattern you notice to see if it is really the best action for you in this moment.

7. Improve your relationship with yourself and your body. Many resolutions fail because we set rigid rules for ourselves and then hate ourselves for lack of will power when we can't follow these rules perfectly. Leave room in your resolution to listen to your body and be flexible. If you gain a trusting relationship with your body and pay attention to it's signs your body will ask for what it needs to be healthy and you will achieve lifelong weight loss and health. Keeping a food diary as described in the next article is a great way to start understanding and ultimately loving yourself and your body.

Big changes do not require big leaps. Permanent change is more likely to happen gradually than through one big restrictive plan. Allow yourself to climb the ladder one rung at a time.

Note: Sprout Wellbeing will be offering a "Real Resolutions" weekly health coaching support group through Parks and Recreation starting Jan 26th. If you are interested in getting the support of a group and a health coach to help you stick with your resolutions and have lasting health changes, please go to www.pullman-wa.gov/DrawOnePage.aspx?PageID=209 to read the description and register by Monday Jan 17.