
Sprout Wellbeing supports individuals, families, and groups in their health goals through
health coaching and wellness support programs that facilitate active lifestyles, wholesome eating, community engagement, and balanced living.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Can beer be healthy?

What do you think? Can beer be healthy?

I know the food nutrition research can change daily, and people can pick and choose studies to support their ideas while neglecting counter evidence. Clearly this is the bias I have used in finding the article below. However it is interesting to know that there is evidence for beer being preventative for certain heart, bone, and brain diseases.  HOWEVER, this means in MODERATION (one 12 oz. beer per day) because drinking heavily can quickly turns toward a host of problems. So, be careful with alcohol. If you dont already drink it, you can be healthy without it! Alcohol dependence  can become lethal to healthy functioning of mind, body, and relationship to others. And at the same time, living without restrictions and embracing moderation can be a liberating thing!

So, in celebration of local business and craft microbreweries, I will be attending the Northwest Best Brewfest today in Lewiston, ID.  Check out the article below and let the Sprout Wellbeing community know what you think!


1 comment:

  1. Sound advise.Travel the middle path. So, in moderation, drink local but dream global.
