
Sprout Wellbeing supports individuals, families, and groups in their health goals through
health coaching and wellness support programs that facilitate active lifestyles, wholesome eating, community engagement, and balanced living.

Please use this blog to help you, your family, and your community SPROUT! Find others to sprout with, share sprouting secrets and advice, and learn about new ways to sprout with Sprout Wellbeing programs!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Eat whole food! Make Your Own! Granola Bars

The Story of my Slow Transformation from a "Health" Nut to a Whole Foods Nut....

I have always been pretty nutrition conscious. Especially in times of trying to lose weight and periods of training for marathons, I was vigilant about knowing how much fat, sugar, protein, dietary fiber, and carbohydrates were in all things I ate. I bought sugar-free fat-free yogurts, whole grain tortillas, and Protein Bars. When I didn't have time to make my lunch for my office job I might have a Lean Cuisine or a microwavable soup labeled as "healthy". Oh and diet coke was definitely a staple...no sugar, no calories, what a treat! (No questions asked about what is in diet coke just relieved there were no calories!)

But somewhere along the way the scale got stuck at a number I didn't like, my energy levels were low, and my moods were not so good. I also became interested in where my food comes from and some of the larger ways my food choices effects the world. I read some books, watched some documentaries, took some classes, became a holistic health coach, and decided that being a "health" nut wasn't healthy for me or the world! Through this process I realized that a calorie is not just a calorie and a gram of protein from a protein bar is not the same as a gram of protein from whole foods. As I began really paying attention to ingredient lists of the foods I was eating, I began to ask myself, why are there ingredients in my food that I can't buy at the store and that I can't even begin to imagine what they look like? What are all these things I can't pronounce? Why can't my yogurt just be milk and cultures, my bread be some kind of flour, yeast, maybe a few seeds, and some honey?

More and more preservatives get added to our food products so that they can last longer and longer on our grocery shelves or in trucks transporting foods all over the world (who wants to eat food made a year ago anyway?). More and more artificial ingredients get added as we request low-fat, low sugar, high protein products rather than products that are left as nature intended them. And at the same time more and more research is showing that nature knew what it was doing when it put our foods together. The fat, protein, carb balance and mixture of vitamins within whole foods is there for a reason and allows our bodies to digest the food into energy optimally and use the vitamins and minerals to make our bodies function at their best. In processing foods we are removing essential natural components from our food and adding artificial chemicals leading to disease, low energy, stubborn weight gain, cravings, and nutrition deficiencies.

For example, here are the ingredients of a Balance Bar, a bar I used to eat regularly when I trained for marathons:

Protein Blend [Soy Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate (From Milk), High Fructose Corn Syrup, High Maltose Corn Syrup, Partially Defatted Peanut Flour, Sugar, Peanut Butter (Roasted Ground Peanuts), Fractionated Palm Kernel Oil, Contains Less Than 2% Of Natural Flavor, Fructose, Oligofructose, Sodium Caseinate, Peanut Oil, Soy Lecithin, Caramel Color, Fish Gelatin, Salt.

As a runner and "health" nut,  I checked that the bar had high protein content, enough dietary fiber, lower fat and sugar, but I just skipped right over the ingredient list. Now as a "whole foods" nut and someone interested in overall health of my body I look for natural whole food ingredients. High fructose corn syrup? Really? How did I miss that? Aren't we over using that in things we call "health" bars? And where could I ever buy soy protein isolate or sodium caseinate?

Now I want my foods to be whole as nature intended and without chemical additives. No more fat free, sugar free, high protein foods for me unless that's how nature made them. My new motto is: if it doesn't grow, fly, swim, or graze, I don't want to put it in my body (most of the time anyways!).

As you start checking out ingredient lists you will notice that it can be very challenging to find any whole foods in packages.  For example, I think every tortilla, granola bar and salad dressing at most stores has high fructose corn syrup or some other processed ingredient. So what do you do? Well there are lots of delicious ways to eat fruit, vegetables, beans, and whole grains all of which are whole foods straight out of the ground. But you don't have to miss out on some of your favorites that come in packages....just check labels and buy the products that have whole food ingredients ....sometimes you might have to go to a health food store to find them. Or sometimes you just have to make your own!

At first making your own may seem overwhelming and please don't try to make all your products on your own all at once. For me it continues to be an ongoing slow process to become a whole foods nut! Try one make-your-own product at a time, once it becomes a habit that fits into your life, try another one. Start with granola bars. Below is a seriously delicious taste-tested recipe for granola bars....no baking required...just make a batch for the week! Send your kids off to school with one of these and you are giving them protein, healthy fats, fiber, whole grains,  vitamins, antioxidants all from natural whole foods such as seeds, nuts, oats, nut butter, dried fruit, etc.

Are you experiencing unexplained health symptoms, low energy, cravings, or weight gain even when you feel like you are following all the "diet rules"? Try eating whole foods instead! Become a whole foods nut with me! I will continue to post "make your own" recipes in my blog and newsletter and I welcome recipes from all of you! Keep your eyes out for make your own tortillas and salad dressings coming soon.

Make Your Own Whole Foods Granola Bars:
Recipe adapted from bowlofmush.blogspot.com

    * 1.5 cup rolled oats (gluten free oats will make these bars gluten free)
    * 1/2 cup hemp seeds
    * 1/2 cup chia seeds
    * 4 tbsp sesame seeds
    * 4 tbsp pumpkin seeds
    * 1/2 cup millet puffs
    * ½ cup chocolate koala crisp cereal
    * ½ cup chopped almonds
    * 1.5 cups unsweetened coconut flakes
    * 20 unsweetened dates (pitted, chopped and mashed or cut up small by hand or in food                 processor)
    * 2/3 cup raw almond butter
    * 1/2 cup organic, extra virgin coconut oil
    * 1/8 cup organic agave nectar
    * ¼ cup organic brown rice syrup

In a large bowl, add the oats, hemp seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, millet puffs, koala crisps, chopped almonds, and coconut flakes.

In separate bowl combine mashed dates, almond butter, agave nectar, brown rice syrup, and coconut oil.

Add date mixture to oat mixture. Scrunch the mixture with your hands until evenly and well combined. The mixture should easily stick together when you press it with your hands.

Line a baking dish or baking sheet with plastic wrap and then press the mixture into the dish firmly until even. Cover tightly with more plastic wrap and then place the baking dish in the freezer for a few hours.

Remove slate of granola from the pan by flipping it upside down on a work surface, it should slip out easily because of the plastic wrap. Cut the granola bars into slices and wrap each one individually in plastic wrap or wax paper and store in the refrigerator.

Beautiful Body Types

Almost all of us have a distorted image of our body, often due to the importance our culture places on outward appearance and the onslaught of media images of airbrushed models and celebrities. On a daily basis, we talk to ourselves in ways we would never speak to another. Imagine speaking to a child the way you speak to yourself about your body. It would devastate and squelch a child. It affects you similarly, causing stress and emotional pain in your body, which can make improving your health or losing weight even more difficult.

Think of all the intelligence, creativity and time you spend on improving, altering and judging your appearance. Who would you be and what could you accomplish if your valuable resources weren’t used this way? Constant emphasis on the external makes us discount the great presence and intelligence that is housed by the body. It makes us forget the magic of our internal rhythms and fail to acknowledge the beautiful bodies we have.

The body you have right now is incredible! It never misses a heartbeat, it maintains homeostasis and it miraculously digests whatever you put in it. It is your instrument for expressing your creativity, intelligence and love. By focusing on the 1% you don’t like or wish were different, you may be ignoring the remaining 99% about your body that is beautiful, unique and delightful.

What would your life be like if you were simply at peace with the body you have? You may wish to make your body healthier and stronger, but could you do that out of love and respect for your body instead of the opposite? Could you begin to treat yourself with kindness, to limit the negative self-talk and to reconnect with your inner wisdom? Take a minute to imagine what that would feel like. It would mean celebrating your body rather than punishing it. It would mean nourishing your body rather than depriving it. It would mean a chance to watch your body flourish when treated with care and respect.

Who Needs Sugar When Nature Gives Us Sweet Potatoes and Yams?

Sweet potatoes are on everyone’s mind this season. They seem to go hand in hand with the holidays, and fortunately, eating these and other sweet vegetables needn’t be limited to this time of year. Cravings for sweets can be greatly reduced by adding sweet vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, yams, parsnips, beets, squash, turnips and rutabagas to your daily diet. Sweet potatoes elevate blood sugar gently rather than with the jolt delivered by simple refined carbohydrates, so there’s no energy crash after you eat them. Sweet potatoes are a good source of fiber, vitamins A, C and B6, and come in a variety of colors. At the grocery store, the things called yams are actually a variety of sweet potato so try them all! Much higher in nutrients than white potatoes and especially rich in vitamin A, sweet potatoes offer a creamy consistency that is satisfying and soothing. They are healing to the stomach, spleen, pancreas and reproductive organs and help to remove toxins from the body. They can increase the quantity of milk in lactating women and can lessen cramps and premenstrual symptoms. If you don’t have any sweet potatoes in your kitchen, go out and buy some (organic and local if possible).

Having a craving for french fries? Just peel and chop sweet potatoes into fry strips, mix in olive oil and spices like cayenne pepper, paprika, sea salt, and cumin, and bake on a cookie sheet at 350 degrees until browned on the outside and tender on the inside, mixing every 10 minutes or so.

Having a craving for sugar? Bake whole sweet potatoes (skin on) in the oven at 350 degrees until tender when pricked with a fork. Then scoop out center from the skin and sprinkle with cinnamon. Enjoy as is or whip in food processor for a creamier version.

Like to make lasagna? Use sweet potato slices instead of noodles as you layer! Best lasagna I ever made! Email me for the recipe.

You can also substitute Sweet Potatoes into your mashed potato recipes!

For a more elegant presentation of the sweet potato, try the recipe below and for more healthy holiday recipes, register for the Healthy Holidays cooking class this Saturday Dec 11th 3-6pm.

Sweet Potatoes with Lime and Cilantro 
This recipe is an eye-opener for those who find sweet potatoes cloyingly sweet or those who are tired of eating them smothered in marshmallows and brown sugar. Japanese sweet potatoes, with their pale flesh and delicate flavor, are a treat if you can find them.

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 30-40 minutes
Yield: 4 servings
Ingredients: 4 sweet potatoes
1/2 bunch fresh cilantro
2-3 limes
olive oil or butter (real butter, no margerine! Preferably clarified butter called ghee
salt (optional)

1. Wash the sweet potatoes and bake them whole, in their skins, at 375 degrees until tender, about 40 minutes.
2. Wash and chop cilantro leaves.
3. When sweet potatoes are done, slit open the skin and place on serving plate.
Season with salt and dots of butter or a sprinkle of oil, if you like, then squeeze fresh lime juice all over, and shower with cilantro leaves.

Monday, November 15, 2010

New PIlates Class Times in Pullman!

Pilates Classes in Pullman!

Where: Pullman Anytime Fitness (Classes open to members & non-members)

Mon 5:15 - 6:15 pm
Wed 7-8 pm
Sat 9-10 am

Cost $7 - 10 per class, depending on how many classes you purchase
Contact: sproutwellbeing@gmail.com or 510-501-2618 with questions and to sign up for classes

Pilates Classes in Moscow!

Where: Moscow Mountain Sport & Physical Therapy

When: Tues/Thurs 5:15 - 6:15 pm.

Please call Moscow Mountain Physical Therapy at 208-882-1426 for prices and to sign up for classes.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine: Pumpkin Sweet Potato Carrot Soup

The Pumpkin Sweet Potato Soup I made for my Halloween party this year was inspired by rainy weather and this article about Fall Superfoods  which highlights the nutritional genius of the dark orange vegetable family including pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and carrots. The dark orange vegetable family outdoes all others in vitamin A content and sweet potatoes are packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, calcium, and potassium.



Beta-carotene is one form of vitamin A that is found in plants. Orange vegetables are an especially good source of this potent antioxidant. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, some epidemiological studies indicate that diets rich in carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, are associated with a decreased risk for certain diseases, including cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. Beta-carotene also plays a role in regulating the growth and reproduction of cells within the body.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is another potent antioxidant that is found in orange fruits and vegetables. In addition to its antioxidant value, vitamin C is vital for the immune system to function properly and is important in collagen formation.



Potassium is a mineral found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including orange fruits and vegetables. Potassium has several important functions in the body, including muscle contraction, nerve function and pH regulation. Furthermore, diets high in potassium are associated with lower blood pressure, according to Gropper et al in "Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism."


Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one nutrient that 90% of Americans do not get enough of, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and may help protect against chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin E is 15 mg. Orange vegetables are good sources of vitamin E, and the amount contained in one cup of each orange vegetable is as follows: butternut squash, 2.6 mg; sweet potato, 1.4 mg; pumpkin, 2 mg; and carrots, 1.6 mg. Although orange fruits are good sources of other vitamins and minerals, they contain minimal vitamin E.

Pumpkin Sweet Potato Soup Recipe:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why Weight? Diets Don’t Work

You can’t turn on the TV, drive down the road or go to a party without being confronted with America’s hottest obsession: weight. Diets are a billion-dollar industry; companies spend millions and millions luring you to try the latest diet (low carb, high protein, low fat, no fat, you name it) with promises that this will (finally!) be the solution—your shortcut to a thinner body. Advertising efforts also deeply affect our children, who develop distorted body images and are often on diets as early as nine or 10 years of age.

Our culture touts diet pills, celebrity workouts, convenience foods and trendy diets to help us achieve our desired weight, but these quick-fix solutions have backfired. America’s populace has reached its highest weight in history. About half of Americans are overweight; one-third are obese. Diets steer us away from our common sense and dip deeply into our pocketbooks while eliciting few, if any, lasting results. Why?

Let Exercise Be Thy Medicine: Circuit Training

My true love is Pilates. However, when I am not doing pilates I do circuit training! As a recovering chronic cardio addict (I used to train for marathons!), Pilates and circuit training are now my favorite forms of exercise because both types of workout are time efficient and I see way more improvement in how my body looks and feels in a shorter amount of time per week than I ever did with continuous cardio or straight set training with weights. Are you working out for hours on the treadmill but not seeing as much change as you would like in your body? Have you hit a plateau in weight loss or stopped seeing improvements in your race times or strength? Come try circuit training and Pilates with me!

Circuit training uses a combination of aerobic and strength training to effectively burn tons of calories, strengthen the major muscle groups as well as the stabilization muscles, and improves functioning of the heart and lungs within a shorter period of time than a typical cardio workout. So you don't have to waste hours at the gym! Plus the variety and quick changing movements make it more fun than continuous cardio or straight set training with weights so you are more likely to stick with it! The greatest thing is that you can do circuit training indoors or outdoors, in a group or by yourself, with equipment (bands, weights, balls, bosu's, jump ropes, etc) or with just the weight of your own body. So you can fit in a quick effective workout wherever, whenever! You can even set up a fun circuit training game
including relay races and other competitions so you can exercise with your kids and family!

Circuit training combines 4-10 exercises that are completed one right after the other, with little or no rest in between. Perform each exercise for a specified time (like 1 minute), rest for no more than 30 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Completion of all the exercises is considered one circuit. The total number of circuits you complete is up to you. For beginners, start with 30 seconds per exercise and increase the time as you get stronger. Another way to progress is to shorten your rest in between exercises and circuits.

Of course it is important to have good form in each exercise and someone to help push you with new exercises and challenges which is why it is always a great idea to have some of your workouts be with a personal trainer. Just like in Pilates, it is very important to have good form in order to get the benefit of the exercise and prevent injury. Whether you are located in the Moscow/Pullman area or not, please contact me to schedule a free consultation to discuss your fitness and nutrition goals so I can help set up some great circuit routines and nutrition plans with you!

If you want a fun, time-effective way to lose weight, break through plateaus, gain strength, and improve overall cardiovascular health, try this no-equipment-needed circuit training workout and schedule a free consultation with me so I can design more circuit workouts for you! This circuit takes about 10 minutes. You can do it once, twice, three times in a row, use it as a break in your workday and do it every few hours, or do it alternating with aerobic exercise like running, walking, or biking. When I am doing lots of computer work during the day, I set my alarm for every two hours to do a 10 minute circuit...it helps with my energy and concentration and keeps me fit even when I am busy!

Click "read more" to see the circuit workout.....

Let Food Be Thy Medicine: Leafy Greens!!!

Your Goal this Week: Eat Greens for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Green vegetables are the foods most missing in modern diets. Learning to cook and eat greens is essential to creating health. When you nourish yourself with greens, you will naturally crowd out the foods that make you sick. Greens help build your internal rain forest and strengthen the blood and respiratory systems. Green is associated with spring, the time of renewal, refreshment and vital energy. In Asian medicine, green is related to the liver, emotional stability and creativity.

Nutritionally, greens are very high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc and vitamins A, C, E and K. They are crammed with fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micronutrients and phyto-chemicals. Whenever possible, choose organic. But eating non-organic greens is much better than not eating any greens at all!
Some of the benefits from eating dark leafy greens are: 
Blood purification 
Cancer prevention
Improved circulation
Strengthened immune system
Promotion of healthy intestinal flora
Promotion of subtle, light and flexible energy
Lifted spirit and elimination of depression
Improved liver, gall bladder and kidney function
Cleared congestion, especially in lungs by reducing mucus
Click "read more" below to get recipes for eating greens for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pilates in Moscow

Sprout Wellbeing will be teaching the Tuesday/Thursday pilates mat classes at Moscow Mountain Physical Therapy starting in November. Moscow Mountain Physical Therapy offers several other classes including both mat and reformer pilates classes! Contact them for details.

Class Schedule (Moscow Mountain Physical Therapy): Tues/Thurs 5:15-6:15pm
First class Tuesday Nov 2nd
Cost TBD

(Is this a bad time for you? Email me at sproutwellbeing@gmail.com to let me know what time works better!)

Pilates in Pullman

Are you ready to transform your life, your body, your energy levels, and the health of you and your family? Sprout Wellbeing is excited to be teaming up with Anytime Fitness to offer a complete life and health transformation package including pilates classes, personal training, and holistic health and nutrition coaching programs! Email sproutwellbeing@gmail.com today to set up a free health consultation to learn more about how this holistic approach will support you in addressing all the barriers keeping you from your version of an ideal healthy lifestyle.

The first Pilates class at Anytime Fitness is Monday Nov 1st  5:15 – 6:15pm.
Both members and Non-members of Anytime Fitness are welcome.
Come learn more about this amazing exercise that will transform how your body looks and feels whether you are a beginner exerciser, someone recovering from an injury, or a hardcore exerciser looking to challenge yourself, improve your race times, or really see changes in how your body looks! 

Schedule will be modified in the next few weeks based on interest and your time/day requests! Whether or not you can make it to the first class on Monday Nov 1st, if you are interested in Pilates please contact Tessa Graham at sproutwellbeing@gmail.com or 510-501-2618. Let her know if you will be attending classes and/or what days and times work for your schedule. We would like to add 1 - 2 more class times/days to the schedule including possibly a Saturday morning class.

I am also available for private personal training or private pilates training.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Newsletter Sept 2010: Introduction Letter

How Sprout Wellbeing is Sprouting!

To my Community - 

Welcome to the first newsletter of Sprout Wellbeing! I hope you will find that this newsletter provides you with useful information in your quest for finding balance and wellbeing in your life. Every month this newsletter will be your source for new recipes, workouts, stress tips, calender of upcoming events, opportunities to meet other health conscious people and give back to your community, and interesting health related articles and recommendations for healthy living. 

Click below for this month's announcements and then click on "Newsletter: Sept 2010" on left of this page to read all the September newsletter articles. Want to receive newsletter's by email? Sign up at sproutwellbeing.org

Newsletter Sept 2010: Free Health Consultations and Prizes!!!

Are you wanting to make a change in your life? Want to feel better in your body? Looking for ways to improve the health of you and your family? Come have a free health consultation with a trained holistic health coach! Click below to learn more.....

Newsletter Sept 2010 - FAQ's about Sprout Wellbeing

What will I do at a health consultation? What is health coaching?
Will you tell me to eat weird food and deny myself?  What is Pilates?  What is boot camp in the park? 

What will I do at a health consultation?

The free initial health consultation will be an hour long session in which we discuss your health goals and how Sprout Wellbeing health coaching and other programs can support you in reaching these goals. I ask that anyone participating in any of my programs attend a initial health consultation since it allows me to get to know you, your body, your health issues, and your health goals. There will be a health questionnaire to fill out before the session and we will review this questionnaire and any other topics you would like to discuss in our consultation session.

What is Health Coaching? 

Health Coaching is a unique, exciting innovation in health and nutrition. As a Holistic Health Coach, I have studied all the major dietary theories and will help you and your family discover what approach works best for you at this point in your life. While most dietitians dwell on calories, carbs, fats, proteins, restrictions and lists of good and bad foods, I work with individuals and families to create a happy, healthy life in a way that is flexible, fun and free of rigid restrictions.

No one diet or lifestyle works for everyone. In addition to being a Certified Holistic Health Coach, I am also a Certified Personal Trainer and Pilates instructor. Therefore, I have a diverse tool kit to help guide you and your family in finding the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. I will help you to make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals.

Do you want to:

  • Lose weight?
  • Eat healthier to prevent disease?
  • Finally take the time to prioritize self-care? 
  • Explore possible lifestyle alternatives to prescription drugs?
  • Learn to cook healthy (and yummy!) food for you and your family?
  • Get your family eating healthy and being active to get your kids started on a healthy future?
  • Feel energetic and positive about your life?
  • Explore how diet and exercise can improve your physical and mental health symptoms and/or energy levels? 

It is my belief that no one should be hurting or tired on a regular basis. We may get used to our headaches, indigestion, aching bodies, low energy in the afternoons, bad moods, anxiety, and sleepless nights, but these are all signs your body is out of balance and these imbalances can be improved through changes in diet, exercise, and stress levels. I want to support you in understanding your body and making changes that make you feel good for the rest of your life!

Will you tell me to eat weird food and deny myself?

You may explore foods that are new to you but the goal of Sprout Wellbeing coaching and cooking classes is to explore what works for you in your life without depriving you or isolating you from your friends because you are the weird "health nut". We hope to build a community around healthy living so that when we embark on our healthy living quest we are brought closer to our community rather isolated from our friends and family.

A different approach
I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

A health coach (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as weight management, food cravings, sleep and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.

The concept of bio-individuality is that each person has her or his own food and lifestyle needs. So, when the experts say, “dairy is good for you” or “fat is unhealthy,” it doesn’t apply to everyone. One person’s food is another person’s poison, and that’s why fad diets tend to fail in the long run. Working on the principle of bio-individuality, I’ll support you in making positive changes that are based on your unique needs, lifestyle, personal preferences, and background. Instead of prescribing one fix for all people, I use a personalized, holistic approach that is based on your needs.

Everything is food
We are not only fed by food but by other factors in our lives. Healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity and a spiritual practice are essential forms of nourishment. When these “primary foods” are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary.

Integrative Nutrition Pyramid
The Integrative Nutrition food pyramid focuses on nourishing food and lifestyle choices. Our wellness pyramid emphasizes the importance of high quality vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats and water. To complete the picture, the pyramid is surrounded with lifestyle factors that create optimal heath: relationship, career, physical activity and spirituality.

What is Pilates? 

Click here for more about the amazing benefits of pilates
Click here for the Pilates class schedule in Pullman
Click here for the Pilates class schedule in Moscow

What is boot camp in the park? 

I have invited our community to try out free boot camp workouts in the park during the first 2 weeks of September. This is to judge interest in these types of classes so I know if I should find an indoor location to hold classes when it gets colds. So come show your support if you would like these classes to be available in the future!

Tired of lifting weights? Looking for a fun, social way to get a challenging workout? Want to get your resistance training and aerobic workouts done at the same time? Sign up for Boot Camp in the Park provided by Sprout Wellbeing, LLC.

Where: Sunnyside Park, Pullman
When: Thursdays 9/9 and 9/16 from 5:30-6:30 PM, (note time change from previous flyers!!)
            Sundays 9/5 and 9/12  6:15-7:00 pm (note time change from previous flyers!!)

Please make sure to RSVP at www.sproutwellbeing.org or call 510-501-2618. Class times may change depending on RSVP's. Are their class times that would work better for you? Let me know! Do you live in Moscow and would like classes in moscow? Let me know!

If you have other questions not included in the FAQs, please contact me at sproutwellbeing@gmail.com

Let Thy Food be Thy Medicine: Quinoa Black Bean Cilantro Lime Salad

I am always amazed when I look at the health benefits of the ingredients in my food. Real wholesome food can protect against and even reverse some of the most common and life devastating (not to mention expensive) diseases in our country such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Food really is medicine!! 

Newsletter Sept 2010: Get to Know Pilates....It Will Change Your Body and Your Life

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a system of sequential and precisely performed core movements, each designed to stretch and strengthen the muscles, open the joints and release tension. Pilates offers a low impact overall fitness program that builds a sleek, slim body, and is especially good for developing a strong, flat abdomen. 

Newletter Sept 2010: Water. It Does a Body Good.

Most of us are aware of the importance of drinking enough water. Getting our daily dose of water helps our organs perform their functions, keeps our skin clear and hydrated, and allows physical action in our bodies to flow smoothly. Even with this knowledge, it can still be challenging to drink all the water our bodies deserve daily. Those who are not drinking enough may experience poor digestion, sluggish thinking, skin breakouts, headaches, bad breath and general fatigue.

Here are 6 tips for staying hydrated:

Newsletter Sept 2010: Deconstructing Cravings

The body is an amazing source of intelligence. It is always there for you, pumping blood, never skipping a heartbeat, digesting whatever food you put in it and maintaining homeostasis. Is this reliable, intelligent bio-computer making a mistake by craving ice cream or a hamburger or chocolate? Are cravings due to lack of will-power or discipline? I’d like to suggest that cravings are not a problem. They are critical pieces of information that tell you what your body needs. 

The important thing is to understand why you crave what you crave......

Newsletter Sept 2010: What's More Important than Veggies? An Introduction to Primary Food

Everything is food. We are not only fed by food but by other factors in our lives. Healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity and a spiritual practice are essential forms of nourishment. When these "primary foods" are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary.

Primary food is central to my health coaching strategy since many of our health problems and issues related to food are caused or aggravated by unbalanced "primary food". In my health coaching programs primary food areas will be explored and prioritized so that you can successfully reach your health goals. Since primary food is so important, this column of the newsletter will be dedicated to topics related to primary food. So check it out in next month's newsletter!

Newsletter Sept 2010: Sprout Your Community - Tips to Give Back and Live Sustainably

Our planet has been getting roughed up recently with the big oil spill in the gulf of Mexico. Give Earth a break and shop local!

The advantages are many.....

Newsletter Sept 2010: Master Ian's "Stress Less" Tip

Stress. Ugh. We all experience it.

We have an argument with a loved one, are having financial problems, or simply working our 40 hours per week while keeping the family going.  Stuck in the same patterns- the mind racing at night full of worry, the body tense with discomfort and headaches, and the spirit feeling defeated and uninspired. What do we do? What do we do!?

Newsletter Sept 2010: Sprouting from a Distance: How long distance, traveling, or super busy folks can participate in Sprout Wellbeing

Are you just so sad that you don't live in the Palouse so you can't be a part of the Sprout Wellbeing community? Well don't worry, you can still SPROUT with us in many ways through:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Breakfast Recipe: Ultimate Eggs

You'll be amazed- these eggs are packed with flavor and nutrients!

Dinner Recipe: 5 Minute Fish

No longer be afraid of cooking fish- it is easy, delicious and nutritious!

Healthy Dessert/Snack Recipe: Boondoggle Bars - The Deceptively Healthy Cookie

Boondoggle Bars - The Deceptively Healthy Cookie
The data is in, people like boondoggle bars (even though there is nothing bad for you in them)! In fact, so many people requested this recipe at the lentil festival that we had to put it on our blog! These are a mix between a cookie and a health bar, but even kids like them! Feel free to add variety with different flours, nuts, and sources of moisture such as apple sauce, yogurt, bananas....really all you need is too have the right wet ingredients to dry ingredients ratio to make a cookie dough consistency. So if you are eating no dairy, feel free to substitute other wet ingredients for the yogurt and egg. See below for ideas. Have fun experimenting to make your own favorite variety of Boondoggle bar....share your creations on the blog!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sprout Quick Tips

2 general quick tips for sprouting. They will make your life happier.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ready to start Sprouting? What next?

Wondering how you can start Sprouting?! Joining this blog is a great way to become a part of the Sprout Wellbeing community and here are a few other suggestions:

All events and classes in September are free!!! Please RSVP for events and sign up for the newsletter at sproutwellbeing.org

Anyone who signs up for the newsletter, a health consultation, or any of Sprout Wellbeing's events is entered to win a free Sprout Wellbeing class!!!
 (cooking classes, boot camp workouts, pilates, health workshops)

Below is a list of upcoming Sprout Welbeing events and ways to get involved:

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Can beer be healthy?

What do you think? Can beer be healthy?

Lentil Festival

Thanks to all who stopped by our Sprout Wellbeing booth at the lentil festival! We were so happy to meet you all and hear the excitement about Sprout Wellbeing programs! You all have so much to bring our Sprout Wellbeing community and I hope you will become active members on the Sprout Wellbeing blog.

Need a recipe for quinoa or your upcoming school potluck? Ask for one here!
Looking for someone to walk/run/bike/hike with in the mornings? Connect with them here!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Welcome to the Sprout Wellbeing blog!

Welcome to the Sprout Wellbeing blog!

Sprout Wellbeing's mission is to
support individuals and families in their health goals through health coaching and wellness support programs that facilitate active lifestyles, wholesome eating, community engagement, and balanced living.

Through this blog we hope to build a healthy community to support us all in our health goals.
You will find healthy recipes, activities, and articles as well as updates on Sprout Wellbeing upcoming events and programs. This blog can also be used to connect with others who have similar interests (perhaps create a running club or find someone who wants to cook together), share "sprouting" ideas, and set goals with eachother!

Please introduce yourself, share your goals and interests, and join the Sprout Wellbeing community......We look forward to hearing from you!

To us you are a leader, but to become an active member of the Sprout Wellbeing blog please click on the "Follower" link on the left hand side of the page. You can also click on the "Subscribe" link to have this blog sent to you on a regular basis

For more information about Sprout Wellbeing programs visit: www.sproutwellbeing.org

For more information about blog contributors, Tessa Graham and Ian Chittle (Sprout Wellbeing founders and coaches), check out our profiles on the left hand side of this page